Croydon Arabic School (CAS) was established in September 1995 to meet the needs of the Arabic Community in Croydon and its surrounding areas.


  • Teaching the children Arabic language, Quran and cultural studies.
  • Promote self-confidence for children as they get to know their culture better.
  • The school organises social events for the students and families.

Admission Policy
We welcome students from all ethnic backgrounds, cultures and religions. They will find a relaxed, easy and harmonious environment. Our students come from various Arabic and non-Arabic countries.

The school duration is four hours per week, divided as follows:

  • 05 minutes Assembly
  • 2.10 hours Arabic studies.
  • 60 minutes Quran and Cultural studies
  • 40 minutes Break.

Please note that the total number of Arabic School weeks are 33+ every academic year.

Age Groups:
Students may be admitted from age 5 to 16 years.

مدرسة كرويدن العربية

تأسست مدرسة كرويدن العربية في أيلول/سبتمبر سنة 1995 تلبية لحاجة الجالية العربية في مدينة كرويدن وضواحيها. طلبتنا هم من مختلف بلدان العالم العربي وغيرها. لدينا حالياً حوالي 140 طالباً وطالبة تتراوح أعمارهم بين 5-16 سنة، موزعين على عدة صفوف، حسب مستواهم وأعمارهم.
تعد المدرسة أيضاً ملتقى اجتماعياً حراً للعوائل والطلبة معاً، فبالإضافة إلى الدراسة الأكاديمية، تقوم المدرسة بنشاطات إجتماعية ورياضية وترفيهية أخرى للطلبة.

School policies:

  • Ensure that your child attends and picked up regularly and promptly on time.
  • Ensure that  your child brings all stationeries needed.
  • Ensure that your children bring their school bag, packed lunch and a water bottle.
  • Must have their full name on any belongings.
  • Ensure to inform the school if your child requires special medical care or any medication.
  • Must keep your child at home if she/he is not feeling well.
  • Inform the school of any problems or concerns which may affect the child’s behaviour.
  • Inform the school management/teacher if the child shall not be able to attend the school for any reason.
  • Support your children with their homework.
  • Understand that if my child loses his/her textbook or exercise books, I have to provide my child with a replacement.
  • Ensure that if the child brings any electronic equipment or precious items to the school and if it is lost or stolen, the school will not take any responsibility.
  • Mobile phones and any non-school related items are not to be brought into the school. If any of these items are seen by a member of staff, they will be confiscated until the end of the school day, and will be given a warning.